Pharmacy Management Solutions

Sav-Mor is “The Chain of Independents”

Let the Sav-Mor Affiliate team complete your business process with an experienced management team monitoring and overseeing the critical financial aspects of your business. We offer services that leverage the economies of scale, for services and product that may be cost prohibitive or unavailable to you as an independent operator.

  • PBM Contract Management Services
  • PBM Cash Management Services
  • Claim Level Reconciliation Services
  • PBM Complete Desk Audit Support/Service
  • Preferred Drug Wholesaler Contract
  • Other Value Added Services to be determined

PBM Contract Management Services

Sav-Mor Affiliate Services will manage ALL your Third Party (PBM) contract needs, even the contracts that you must sign and execute at store level or your distinct chain level. We will Review, identify, modify, advise and assist in negotiating, monitoring and guiding you, with our contracting review process. We can assist with National PBM’s, Medicare D, your State Medicaid Programs, and smaller regional PBM contracts that you may have. We also assist with Vaccine Contract, 340B and Long Term Care Contracts.

Cash Management Services

Sav-Mor Affiliate Services will implement rigid PBM Cash Management processes to provide you with the security and financial controls similarly found in a large chain operation. We utilize industry accounting standards where applicable in order to comply with strict auditing practices. We have implemented checks and balances to alleviate potential errors and improve compliance to those generally accepted accounting principles and standards of practice. (GAP)

Claim Level Reconciliation Services

Can be customized to your needs

Sav-Mor Affiliate Services will post your open Accounts receivable Claim level data from you or either from your pharmacy software vendor or from your pharmacy switch vendor. Once posted your claims data will be reviewed for validity and completeness. Payment Data Detail will be received and processed and will be matched at the claim level detail including RX number, fill date and other data elements to insure a unique one to one match occurs.

We can also customize eReporting for your individual needs.

PBM Complete Rx Audit Services

Finally, closing the loop, is to assist our client stores with monitoring and satisfying all PBM Desk Audit requests, and assisting them in preparing for on-site Audits from the PBM’s. If these Audits are not documented properly and responded to in a timely manner, all your diligence in the billing and reconciling process could be for naught, as the PBM may withhold or take back payments/funds they feel they are owed.

We have the ONLY end-to-end solution for your PBM Claims Management

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Preferred Drug Wholesaler Buying Group

If interested, Sav-Mor has a Preferred Wholesaler contract with Cardinal Health. Even if you are already a Cardinal Customer, Sav-Mor offers specialized services for Cardinal Health customers. Call us for more details.

Preferred Vendor Offerings At Discounted Prices

  • Advertising
  • AWP Resubmit Services
  • EQuIPP
  • iMedicare
  • Mobile Apps
  • Pharmacists Letter, Technician Letter, Technician University & more
  • Websites